Twofold Overtime Duplications
Probably Cause: Registrating too many Identities and Fake Profiles

Haushalts Ekzem

Das Haushalts Ekzem (lat. Scabie quoque domum) ist eine chronische, nicht ansteckende Hautkrankheit, die zu den atopischen Erkrankungen gehört.

Die Hauptsymptome sind rote, schuppende, manchmal auch nässende Ausschläge auf der Haut, die starken Juckreiz hervorrufen. Die Erkrankung ist von äusseren Parametern abhängig. Zu diesen gehören die Räumlichkeiten, in denen man wohnt, Gegenstände, die man oft benutzt und allgemeine Objekte denen man häufig ausgesetzt ist.
Das Haushalts Ekzem ist noch nicht gut erforscht, da es eine relativ neuartige Erkrankung ist, die mit der Covid-19 Pandemie des Jahres 2020 einher ging. Der Krankheitsverlauf ähnelt stark jenem der Neurodermitis Erkrankung, steht aber laut jungen Studien nicht mit dieser in Verbindung, da sie epigenetischen Faktoren geschuldet ist. Es wird vermutet, dass die Krankheit nicht vererbbar ist, Studien dazu laufen aber noch.
Auftretende Symptome sind kratzender Mund- und Rachenraum, sowie Rötungen am ganzen Körper.
Ursache und Verlauf
Es wird spekuliert, dass sich das Ekzem, dann bildet, wenn Menschen sich vermehrt überdurchschnittlich in ihren Wohnräumen aufhalten und dieselbe Haushaltsobjekte wie Pfannen, Türklinken etc. berühren. Es wird davon ausgegangen, dass der menschliche Körper eine Allergie auf seine eigenen Abfallprodukte entwickelt. Hautschuppen, Nägel, Haare und ihre Mikropartikel reizen die Schleimhaut und werden so zu Reizstoffen für die Mund- und Rachengegend. Die daraus resultierenden Entzündung weiten sich dann über die Haut auf den ganzen Körper aus.
Die Behandlung konzentriert sich primär auf die Reduktion der Produktionsfaktoren. Das bedeutet, dass dazu geraten wird, vermehrt den Auslauf zu suchen, vermehrt zu Putzen und, falls möglich, die Wohnräume temporär mit andere. Menschen zu tauschen oder gar sich die Wohnräume zu teilen. Durch das Teilen von Wohnräumen, Gebrauchsgegenständen und allgemein Besitz, vermischen sich die Mikropartikel von mehreren Menschen, was die Dosierung der eigenen Abfallstoffe abschwächt.
Gesellschaftliche Folgen
Die Entdeckung und die erste globale Welle des Haushaltsekzem hat einen Schwall von Paranoia ausgelöst, da es die zweite Pandemie im Jahre 2020 war, die sich zudem konträr zu der sich bereits ausweitenden Covid-19 Welle verhält; und zwar im Inneren, den privaten Räumen. Es entsprach eine weitgreifende Diskussion zwischen Dermatologen und Epidemlogen, da es zu hitzigen Debatten kam, wie man mit diesen zwei Krankheiten umgehen sollte. Sollte man eine priorisieren und die Ausbreitung derjenigen zulassen? Kann man verschiedenen Gesellschaftsgruppen von der jeweiligen Krankheit schützen oder sollte man das Abwägen den betroffenen Menschen selbst überlassen?


Auropia, commonly known as near-hearing, is a hearing disorder where the brain processes information transmitted by the ear abnormally. In contrast to ‚Emmetrauria‘ (normal-hearing) stronger wavelengths (e.g. from closer objects) are amplified and weaker ones (e.g. from distant objects) are attenuated, in some cases even nullified. Causes are that patients can’t hear distant sounds, while more silent and closely located ones can seem extremely loud. Some experts refer to this disorder as macro-hearing and this phenomenon has been widely discussed in psychology due to its effects on patients psyche.

The underlying causes are yet to be discussed even though experts widely agree on environmental factors as a main cause for Auropia. There seems to be a connection to the same factors that cause Myopia (or short-sightedness) like near work, little outside time during age 5-14 and the two disorders often go hand in hand. Some experts suggest a similar deformation of the ear as a cause while other refer purely on neurotic factors. While in most cases the trigger of Auropia are still being discussed most experts agree that the early use of head- or earphones is a definite factor in the development of Auropia.

It is believed that by the year of 2100 50% of the patients suffering from Myopia will also be suffering from Auropia. This indicates to 1/5th of the whole population.

There is certain apparatuses being built that help with Auropia and turn around its effect on hearing but one of the main symptoms of the disorder, dumbness, can’t be cured using this method.

Auropia is the most common hearing problem and is estimated to affect 500 million people (7.5% of the population). Rates vary significantly in different areas of the world. Rates among adults are between 7.5% to 24%. In China the proportion of male is significantly higher than female. Among children it affects 0.01% of rural Egyptians, 2% of South Africans, 10% of Americans and 24% in some large Chinese cities. Rates have increased since the 2030s. Uncorrected Auropia is one of the most common causes of hearing impairment globally. People who suffer from Auropia at an early age are most likely to become deaf before age 60.

Contents [hide]

1 Symptoms
2 Causes
2.1 Environmental factors
2.2 Discussed genetic factors
3 Mechanism
4 Diagnosis
4.1 Degree
4.2 Age at onset
5 Prevention
5.1 Auropia headphones
5.2 Medication
5.3 Other methods
6 Treatment
6.1 Development of strategies to cure Auropia
6.2 Surgery
7 Epidemiology
7.1 Asia
7.2 North America
7.3 Europe
7.4 Australia
7.5 South America
8 History
9 See Also
10 References
11 External links ->

(Amrita) Involuntary Spasmodic Organ Disease ISOD


Involuntary Spasmodic Organ Disease (ISOD) is categorised as a chronic disease, where multiple organs in the body move around constantly, shifting at all times, never at rest, so that the individual's insides are always churning.

Signs and Symptoms

The classic symptoms of ISOD include the sensation of bulging, contracting and painful spasms, especially in the core of the body. This is especially characteristic of the early stage of ISOD, where the movement is restricted to the abdominal region. If left untreated, organ movement has been known to cause disruption as far as the brain and the thighs of the individual.
Other symptoms may be loss of appetite, acid reflux, a compressed bladder and bowels forcing the patient to relieve themselves constantly. It is also possible to have more serious outcomes like exploding organs, if the movement of the organ leads it to a tight space, such as in the arm. In all patients of ISOD, an early sensation of restless, moving part of the body in the abdomen is observed.


There are a number of theories regarding the causes of ISOD, yet no clear research has shown what exactly leads to certain individuals developing the disease. The most popular theory, propagated by scientists at the Charite institute in Berlin, posits that ISOD is a largely psychosomatic disease, triggered by a traumatic single or multiple events. The body, according to this theory, goes into adrenal fatigue, leading to a severing of certain connections between the mind and the organs. Another theory suggests that the disease is largely genetically determined. Other fringe theories ranging from chemical poisoning to artificial intelligence interference have been suggested, none with any merit.


Should the early symptoms described above be present, then it is relatively easy to diagnose ISOD in a patient. An ultrasound will determine whether any of the organs have traveled from their usual place.


Since research seems to suggest ISOD is a psychosomatic disease, existing medical treatments up until now have seen very little success. Operations performed on around 50% of patients, in an attempt to return their organs to their original place, have consistently failed, with the organ wandering again a few months after surgery was completed. Successful treatments which have combined the surgical with psychological treatment have seen much higher rates of success, up to 90% remission. Pure psychological treatment has seen around 60% success, with organs returning to their previous place.


Early therapeutic treatment for traumas is the best known way to prevent ISOD. Other preventative measures include: avoiding large groups of people, hydrotherapy and the consumption of oily fish.

Involuntary Spasmodic Organ Disease - Sound Art Concept

In this piece I deal with the disease, known as ISOD, in the medium of sound. Diseases are the loud chambers of isolation, trapping us in a vacuum away from the healthy masses. People go about their business, and the sick suffer in isolation. No one wants their stench on their hands. Should the illness have no overt physical manifestations and be limited to chronic pain, the isolation is combined with an intense sensation no one else can empathise with or imagine.

Sounds carry a direct experience which can be used here to communicate the isolation and private pain of those suffering with the disease. I intend to make a 1-minute long symphony, which combines sounds of machines making groaning sounds - as a way to reflect on the sick body as a machine in pain. I will compose this symphony by using a base track of a low frequency electronic pulse, and layer the machine sounds on top of it. I will also use voices as a third layer, but here I have to experiment and see whether I like it or not.

Information Expression Hyperactvity Disorder

When a certain level of research, organising and information gain has been reached specimens

Humans with IEHD overshare for many reasons. Some are related to challenges with executive function , a set of skills some people refer to as the CEO of the brain. Weaknesses in these skills can make it harder for People with IEHD to “filter” what they’re saying. Here’s an example:

You’ve invited to an event which contradicts with what you are working on over for dinner. During the meal, you ask if they’d like to get together for dinner once a month so you can continue your research and gather information, and the person you are with blurts out, “But XY! XY says he doesn’t want to do that. He thinks we already talk to each other too much.

Signs and symptoms:

Information Expression Hyperactivity Disorder (Information expression restlessness in adults), disruptive behavior, and impulsivity are common in IEHD.[53][54] Adaptation difficulties to societal systems are frequent as are problems with relationships.[53] The symptoms can be difficult to define, as it is hard to draw a line at where normal levels of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity end and significant levels requiring interventions begin


A person with IEHD inattentive type has most or all of following symptoms, excluding situations where these symptoms are better explained by another psychiatric or medical condition:[2][56]
Be easily triggered into confession
giving up sensitive details
never forgetting things
Have trouble maintaining their job or position in organization
Appear not to be listening when spoken to
Daydream, become easily confused can’t distinguish if in danger or not
Struggle to follow instructions

4 walls 4 levels of conditioning being surrounded by
Expressing the pressure of when u cant hold in information anymore
Showing the context as in political system that causes the symptoms
Made up propaganda, hymns, and laughter and crying stuff
Choreography how long in which room? In which room?
Sound triggers and then u have to stimme narrative autoritäre stimme
Adhs konstruierte krankheit