public space
Ihram, Nelson
Washing machine, candle and running water
Sana, Jonas (click here or there)
What I'm trying to portray here is that there is an ambient sound, it is spread evenly throughout the whole room. Maybe through speakers in all corners of the room?

It engulfs anyone who might walk in. It works together with the visual artwork also portrayed in the same room. The sound and the visual aspect together are supposed to create like an other-wordly plane together, kind of like an escape, or like the astral plane, like a spiritual plane. Supposed to remind us of where we came from. This also links together with Truth.syndrome.
I will describe my thought w/o the content of my concept rn bc I think its better as a first set up sketch

so the sound I want it to come from different directions but not at the same tie more like creating little auditory attachments u will adapt to and then be distracted and engaged with another bit

I imagine them being symbolic manifestation of emotions and assessments and other things I cant put in words rn all related to some more specific subject matter-
vaguely put fascism

so I imagine this set up to be anxiety inducing at times cheerful and doomy and sad because that correlates w my experience of the above mentioned and the general construction and modi of it I think

so u don't know where sound will come from next and they vary in lengths and specificity, maybe no auditory specificity
at all tbc
